Support CAGP

Dear Friends,

The sole purpose of CAGP is to develop people, endow them and release them to serve in capacities that best serves God’s purpose for their lives. Unlike the business world, we do not develop people to fit a job description, rather develop people to be stewards in the Kingdom of God based on God’s purpose for them in conjunction with skill sets and gifting that is bestowed on them.

We strive to find fervent men and women who have a steadfast commitment to the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Such men and women prepare themselves to headway and nurture in the Christian faith thereby preparing the way for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of such are unfortunate to meet their financial requirements to pursue an academic level training and education.

We therefore rely on God sent Good Samaritans to provide financial needs at CAGP. Since 2012, the inception of CAGP, God has always provided our needs in miraculous ways. We welcome you to become a regular donor of our Institution. Any investment for the Kingdom of God shall fetch rich blessings and eternal rewards forever.

If you are willing to support our ministry, please contact us. We have several investment options that you could consider. Our students serve in varied capacities in different denominations and mission associations in India and Srilanka.

May the Lord lead you according to his purpose!