• CAGP gave me a firm biblical foundation on which to build my life and a true
    revelation of God’s character. This helped me to mature in my faith
    and follow God’s plan for my life.
    - Jemima Rachel
  • Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need
    to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.
    2 Timothy 2:15
  • The reformation in Christianity begins with
      proper understanding of the Word of God
  • Capstone Academy of Global Peace is a place where authentic experience
    of the presence of God empowers dynamic study of the Word of God.
    It is a community of people who are hungry for more of God and desire
    to be transformed by His Word through the work of the Holy Spirit.
  • Attending CAGP caused
    God’s Word to penetrate
    deeper into my heart and mind.
    The Word of God is more
    meaningful to me now,
    giving me strength and
    power to accomplish
    what God has called me to do!
    - Sinnathambi
  • Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy;
    without holiness no one will see the Lord.
    Hebrews 12:14
  • Experience the transforming presence of Jesus Christ
    through biblical teaching and practical training at
    one of our CAGP Centers and become equipped for
    service in His church worldwide






“Capstone is aimed to equip an individual to live in Peace with the society and a builder of Global Peace through the love of Jesus Christ.

“Capstone is aimed to equip an individual to live in Peace with the society and a builder of Global Peace through the love of Jesus Christ.

Rev. Dr. Rajesh Joe, Founder – Chairman

Know Us More

Capstone Academy of Global Peace, Chennai - India

As part of this noble cause, an academic study about Bible is taught to any willing person to become a better individual and to be rooted in the Word of God through which alone a society can attain Peace.

There are enough people in this world as innovators, scientists, physicians, and for the rest of the profession, but very less to spread peace and maintain harmony in the society. CAGP is keen to connect and train such enthusiastic individuals who wish to be peace makers. This website would help us to reach such distinctive people and join hands with them to start a new beginning.

Looking forward to make a positive impact with you!

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